6 Herbs That are Natural Blood Purifiers and How to Use Them

6 Herbs That are Natural Blood Purifiers and How to Use Them

Blood plays an important role in regulating the body’s systems and maintaining homeostasis. Blood has no substitutes, only blood can substitute blood. Blood is composed of plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Blood is a crucial transporter of nutrients and oxygen to various parts of our body and is responsible for making each organ function accurately.


Blood cannot function on its own, it rather regulates the channel of transportation, which means even if the blood has destructive impurities, it still carries the blood to different parts of the body and can cause damage to vital organs. Blood is the liquid juice in our system and can be one of the causes for the rapid transfer of infections and viruses in the body. 


Taking this statement as an alarm, it is mandatory to take care of the bloodstream and its purification. Some of the simple Herbs that may help stimulate the blood purification process are mentioned below.  It is important to note that these are not blood purifying fixers, they help in the process of blood cleansing.





Neem has always been a very important herb in Ayurvedic treatments from ancient times because of its medicinal properties. Neem has been known as the miracle of a blood purifier. Its loaded with natural antioxidants and the neem leaves have been used traditionally as a blood cleanser due to their antiviral, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, and antiseptic qualities. It detoxifies the blood removing the harmful toxins that disrupt the functioning of vital parts like the liver and kidney.

How can we use Neem?

Neem can be consumed as leaf extracts, neem power, neem tea or neem capsules.



Indian gooseberry (Amla)


Amla the wonder fruit or the powerhouse of nutrients again is known for its many medicinal properties. In addition, it is a natural detoxifier and an effective blood purifier because of the presence of necessary anti-oxidants. Consumption of amla juice can increase haemoglobin levels of the body. A daily dose of amla powder mixed with honey or jaggery acts as a great blood purifier.  

How can we use Amla?

Amla is normally eaten raw, consumed as a juice, powder, candy. 




The humble honey, a very effective, natural and easiest alternative found in most Indian households has amazing blood purifying properties. Honey helps in processing blood and has antibacterial properties. It protects the arterial walls and improves the blood circulation and purifies our blood. A natural remedy for blood cleansing.

How can we use Honey?

Honey can be consumed in any form, in your herbal tea, with fruits, just a spoonful of honey, the choice is yours.


Guduchi / Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia)


Guduchi also is known as the Amrita or Divine Nectar in Ayurveda has been used from ancient times because of its medicinal properties. With its health promoting benefits especially in the elimination of accumulated toxins it helps in controlling the uric levels in the blood and strengthen the urinary system which ultimately promotes the proper elimination of these toxins from the bloodstream. With its ability to maintain a balance between the Vata and Pitta, it helps in cleansing the blood. 

How can we use Guduchi?

Can be consumed as juice, concoction combined with other herbs or in powder form with water or honey.




The purple juicy Mulberries is a good fruit to eat and has its own benefits as well. It is believed that eating mulberries on a regular basis works as a blood cleanser and helps in breaking down fats and filtering out toxins. Consuming mulberries also has a positive impact on keeping our liver healthy. It has multiple benefits.

How can we use Mulberries?

They are best eaten fresh as a fruit or in a fruit salad. They can also be dried berries. Mulberry is also consumed as tonic, syrup or juice.






This bright red flowering plant is a popular blood purifier and the unsung hero in the world of Ayurveda which purifies lymph and supports the liver. It has multiple benefits for different ailments. Though it has a bitter taste it is an astringent with cooling properties that help dissolve the barriers in blood flow. Manjistha can remove toxins from your blood, improve blood flow, and boost blood circulation.

How can we use Manjistha?

Manjistha is available in tablet form or can be consumed by using the decoction. It is also used in the form of oil extract. 

Ayurveda has always been the safest form of medicine and is still popular and the preferred choice by many. Consumption of any form of medicine still needs advice from a medical physician or in the form of a prescription from them as they may have their own side effects. 

Aryan Herbals with our wide range of pure, natural, and healthy Ayurvedic products are rich in therapeutically useful ingredients. Some of the products you can find which is believed to  help as blood purifiers are :


Aryan Neem Giloy/ Guduchi Juice

Neem Giloy Juice Aryan Herbals

Neem is known to show great potential for its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. It’s believed to encourage the development of a healthy immune system. Giloy is an Ayurvedic herb that has been used and advocated in Indian medicine for ages. The combination of these two ingredients makes for a worthy therapeutic juice. 

  • It is believed to help in purifying blood and the proper functioning of the liver. 
  • Believed to help promote a healthy immune system and in purifying blood and proper functioning of the liver because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

Aryan Neem juice

Neem (Indian Lilac) Juice - Aryan Herbals

Neem and Ayurveda goes hand in hand as it is loaded with medicinal properties and health benefits. It is known to show great potential for its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. 

  • It’s believed to encourage the development of a healthy immune system.
  • Believed to help in purifying blood and proper functioning of liver

Henry Rollins quote is apt. He says ‘Keep your blood clean, body lean and mind sharp’

Let’s pledge towards healthy living by staying fit and eliminating the toxins from our body keeping our liver, heart and kidney health. In doing so we can be sure to keep blood the lifeline of our body pure and clean. Live a healthy life the natural way.

Also Read: Dashmool – The Perfect Blend of 10 Powerful Herbs


8 Incredible Herbs to Improve Your Digestive Health

6 Herbs That are Natural Blood Purifiers and How to Use Them



6 Herbs That are Natural Blood Purifiers and How to Use Them - Aryan Herbals Blog
Article Name
6 Herbs That are Natural Blood Purifiers and How to Use Them - Aryan Herbals Blog
Blood is our lifeline. Impure blood leads to many health problems. Eliminate the toxins out of your body and flush out the impurities. Stimulate your blood purification process with these natural herbs.
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Aryan Herbals
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